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Selasa, 16 Maret 2010

On Display

Love…does not display itself haughtily.” (1Corinthians 13:4 Amplified Bible)

Noah Webster, in his dictionary of 1828, defines ‘display’ as “literally, to unfold; hence, to open; to spread wide; to expand; to show; to exhibit to the eyes or to the mind; to make manifest” (American Dictionary of the English Language, Noah Webster, 1828). ‘Haughtily’ is another word for proudly or arrogantly – the very opposite of a humble and contrite spirit (Isaiah 57:15). So, what our Lord is telling us here is that HIS love (that is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, Romans 5:5) will NEVER display itself, exhibit itself, manifest itself in a proud, arrogant, self-centered or conceited way.

We, as the children of the living God, are ALL on display, but it is our choice as to how we act while on display. No, we are not perfect, and yes, we stumble and fall, but in our imperfections and failures, we know that we can run to our ABBA Father, and receive the forgiveness and healing needed. All of this has everything to do with our heart attitude while the world watches us. Are we like the Pharisee, reminding God of how righteous we are, of how good we are, of how holy we are, all the while struttin’ our “stuff”, and making sure everyone sees it (Luke 18:10-12)? Or are we like the tax collector, humble, not even willing to raise his eyes heavenward, asking only for mercy (Luke 18:13)? And let me present to you one more scenario: what are you like when NO ONE is watching? Because this is when HE is watching, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning, the End, your Creator, and soon coming KING.

Our lives are to be an epistle of Christ, known and read by ALL men (2Corinthians 3:2-3). What is my epistle saying to you? What is your epistle saying to me?

“For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” (1Corinthians 2:2 NKJV)

Father God, I come to You, thanking You for the mercies that are new every morning, thanking You that You dwell with the one that is of a humble and broken spirit. Father, as I walk this world as Your ambassador, let Your light shine through me, let it shine clearly, that all would know that I am Your child, that I belong to You. Help me, Father, to not hinder Your love from flowing through me to others; let me be the channel that You desire me to be. In the Name of Yeshua Mashiach, Jesus the Messiah, I pray.

2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

aduh, bhs inggris...angkat tangan deh...hehe...

Unknown mengatakan...

emang siapa yang 'polisi' kok ampe angkat tangan ,hehehehe...