Bapa kami yang ada di surga
Dimuliakanlah nama-Mu
Datanglah Kerajaan-Mu
Jadilah kehendak-Mu
Di atas bumi seperti di dalam Surga
Berilah kami rejeki pada hari ini
Dan ampunilah kesalahan kami, seperti kamipun mengampuni yang bersalah kepada kami
Dan janganlah masukkan kami ke dalam percobaan
Tetapi bebaskan kami dari yang jahat
[Karena Engkaulah yang empunya Kerajaan dan kuasa dan kemuliaan sampai selama-lamanya
Our Father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as in Heaven
Give us this day fortune
And forgive us our faults, as we also forgive the guilty to us
And do not enter into our experiments
But free us from evil
[Because thou kingdom and power and glory forever and ever
Hallowed be thy name
Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as in Heaven
Give us this day fortune
And forgive us our faults, as we also forgive the guilty to us
And do not enter into our experiments
But free us from evil
[Because thou kingdom and power and glory forever and ever
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